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Today more than ever organizations rely on data to drive business forward. RBI Healthcare Insight's solutions are built for healthcare Payers, Providers and Patients and incorporates the industry's leading high-performance databases, visualization technologies, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, benchmarking, data governance and security all on a single fully integrated platform.

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Population Health Insights

RBI Population Health Insights is fully integrated with the Johns Hopkins ACG platform. Data from ACG is ingested and modeled for analysis in combination with Payer Claims information providing powerful insights at the population, provider and member level.

Risk Insights

The RBI Risk Insights platform is an open, standards based platform, that supports the most widely used risk models in the healthcare industry, including the Johns Hopkins ACG system, CMS HCC, and the HHS HCC models. Even if you work with other vendors, for risk adjustment services, having the ability to model and run scenarios on your own data can be invaluable to your business.


Let's explore together how the Risk Insights, single, fully integrated platform can support your organization's Risk Program needs across Medicare, Medicaid and Commercial lines of business.

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Quality Insights

RBI Quality Insights application provides:


  • Flexible integration with 3rd Party Quality Reporting platforms

  • Advanced dimensional modeling of the data supports virtually limitless views of all your quality data

  • Comprehensive set of pre-built reports and dashboards for quality measure reporting at the plan, provider and member levels.

  • A platform to publish and share reports and data with key business stakeholders, business partners, providers and members alike.


Quaity Insights provides unparalleled support for your HEDIS, State Medicaid, QRS, CMS 5-Star and URAC measure reporting needs.

Pharmacy Insights

RBI Pharmacy Insights, powered by the Johns Hopkins ACG System Rx-MGs provides a medication-based approach for describing the morbidity profile of an individual or population. Rx-MGs also form the basis of P3Insights pharmacy based predictive models.


Used in combination with the patient's Clinical markers, Pharmacy Insights' ACG Pharmacy markers produce a unique, more powerful and more accurate picture of the patient's overall profile.

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